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2024-07-11 06:02:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Para. 1:引入介绍ChatGPT,并介绍其优势。

Para 2:介绍ChatGPT 的可能带来的不好地方。

Para 3:讨论了ChatGPT可能带来的前景表示不确定。

Para 4:对比其优势和劣势,并说明其最佳发展方向。

Para 5:对于工人来说,可能带来比较大的影响。


Para 1

ChatGPT is just one of many mind-blowing generative AI tools released recently, including the image generators Midjourney and DALL-E and the video generator Synthesia. The upside of these AI tools is easy to see: They’re going to produce a tremendous amount of digital content, quickly and cheaply. Students are already using ChatGPT to help them write essays. Businesses are using ChatGPT to create copy for their websites and promotional materials, and to respond to customer-service inquiries. Lawyers are using it to produce legal briefs and academics to produce footnotes.

Para 2

Yet an extraordinary downside is also easy to see: What happens when services like ChatGPT start putting copywriters, journalists, customer-service agents, paralegals, coders, and digital marketers out of a job? For years, tech thinkers have been warning that flexible, creative AI will be a threat to white-collar employment, as robots replace skilled office workers whose jobs were once considered immune to automation. In the most extreme iteration, analysts imagine AI altering the employment landscape permanently. One Oxford study estimates that 47 percent of U.S. jobs might be at risk.

Para 3

No single technology in modern memory has caused mass job loss among highly educated workers. Will generative AI really be an exception? No one can answer this question, given how new the technology is and given how slowly employment can adjust in response to technological change. But AI really is different. A range of tasks that up until now were impossible to automate are becoming automatable. ChatGPT and the like promises to destabilize a lot of white-collar work, regardless of whether they eliminate jobs or not.

Para 4

As a rule, when companies can substitute machines for people, they will. AI can do work currently done by paralegals, copywriters, digital-content producers, executive assistants, entry-level computer programmers, and, yes, some journalists. That means such jobs might change, and soon. But even if ChatGPT can spit out a pretty good paragraph on AI, it can’t interview AI and labor experts, nor can it find historical documents, nor can it assess the quality of studies of technological change and employment. It creates content out of what is already out there, with no authority, no understanding, no ability to correct itself, no way to identify genuinely new or interesting ideas. That implies that AI might make original journalism more valuable and investigative journalists more productive, while creating an enormous profusion of simpler content. AI might spit out listicles and summaries of public meetings, while humans will write in-depth stories. “In many ways, AI will help people use expertise better,” the MIT professor David Autor, one of the world’s foremost experts on employment and technological change, said. “It means that we’ll specialize more.”

Para 5

For workers, Autor noted, the great risk is that AI technologies cause too sudden a change in what kind of labor employers want. Certain specializations might get wiped out, leaving thousands of call-center operators or marketing workers unemployed. But he stressed the benefits of having such technology in our hands. Productivity has languished for decades. Machines doing a little more work would have a big upside, after all.




ChatGPT is just one of manymind-blowinggenerative AI tools released recently, including the image generators Midjourney and DALL-E and the video generator Synthesia. Theupsideof these AI tools is easy to see: They’re going to produce a tremendous amount of digital content, quickly and cheaply. Students are already using ChatGPT to help them write essays. Businesses are using ChatGPT to create copy for their websites and promotional materials, and to respond to customer-service inquiries. Lawyers are using it to produce legal briefs and academics to produce footnotes.

1. 学一个单词:mind-blowing


如果某件事如此不可思议、令人惊讶,以至于我们会停下来想那是多么神奇,我们就可以用mind-blowing来形容,或者也可以说it blew our minds, 因为他们太令人惊奇了,就像我们的大脑已经失灵了一样。When something is so incredible, so surprising that we stop and wonder about how amazing it is, we can say it’s mind-blowing, or that it blew our minds, as though our brains have broken down because they are so overwhelmed.


Anything amazing: a painting, a film, a story, the unexplored ocean depths, the size of the other planets, the huge number and variety of insects 任何令人惊奇的事:一幅画、一部电影、或是一个故事、未探索的海洋深处、其他星球的体积、巨大的昆虫数量和种类

2. 再学一个单词:Upside

外刊中经常会用到的地道表达,如 downsides and upsides

The downside of diversity 多样性的坏处/不利一面Many companies' view of cross-cultural pollination is too optimistic. 许多公司跨文化融合的观点过于乐观。 downside 一词在词典中表示的意思是:The downside of a situation is the aspect of it which is less positive, pleasant, or useful than its other aspects. 不利的一面例:The downside of this approach is a lack of clear leadership. 这种方式的不足之处是缺乏明确的指挥。upside 一词意思刚好与之相反,表示“好的一面”:The upside of an unpleasant situation is the aspect of it that is more pleasant or positive. 好的方面例:Residents said the only upside would be a boost to the island's economy. 居民们说惟一好的方面会是对该岛经济的促进。

3. 学一个写作方法:They’re going to produce a tremendous amount of digital content, quickly and cheaply.

这里要讲的是逗号的高级用法,本句当中,如content后面不加逗号,也是完全正确以及可以理解,但是加了逗号,就有了强调的quickly and cheaply的意思,写作的高级感是不是立马上来了?

比如你要说,每个人都可以轻松的学英语,一般我们会说:Everybody can learn English easily.如果换成Everybody can learn English, easily.是不是不一样的感觉多了一丢丢?



Yet an extraordinary downside is also easy to see: What happens when services like ChatGPT startputtingcopywriters, journalists, customer-service agents, paralegals, coders, and digital marketersout ofa job? For years, tech thinkers have been warning that flexible, creative AI will be a threat to white-collar employment, as robots replace skilled office workers whose jobs were once considered immune to automation. In the most extremeiteration, analysts imagine AI altering the employment landscape permanently. One Oxford study estimates that 47 percent of U.S. jobs might be at risk.

1. 学一个短语:put out of

Meaning:To force one to leave or be outside of something or some place.


put out of action: 使失去效用;

put out of sight: 藏起来;

put out of business: 使破产;

put out of existence: 消灭;使不复存在

put out of the way: 让开;避开;除去

2. 分析一个句子:For years, tech thinkers have been warning that flexible, creative AI will be a threat to white-collar employment, as robots replace skilled office workers whose jobs were once considered immune to automation.

这个句子的主语是“tech thinkers”,谓语动词是“have been warning”,宾语是“that flexible, creative AI will be a threat to white-collar employment”,而状语则是“as robots replace skilled office workers whose jobs were once considered immune to automation”。

这个句子可以模仿写作,as的前后是对比的两个方面。比如说是否可以写For years, our teacher have been warning that we have to work hard in order to earn a bright future as they had done when they were young.

3. 学习一个单词:iteration

the process of repeating a mathematical or computing process or set of instructions again and again, each time applying it to the result of the previous stage 迭代

e.g. In their usual iteration, the lifegiving rains are welcome. 在惯常的迭代中,人们会欣然迎接赋予生命的雨水。《经继学人》



No single technology in modern memory has causedmass job lossamong highly educated workers. Willgenerative AIreally be an exception? No one can answer this question, given how new the technology is and given how slowly employment can adjust in response to technological change. But AI really is different. A range of tasks that up until now were impossible toautomateare becoming automatable. ChatGPT and the like promises to destabilize a lot of white-collar work, regardless of whether they eliminate jobs or not.

本段主旨大意:The main idea of this paragraph is that AI is different from other technologies in that it has the potential to automate a range of tasks that were previously impossible, which could potentially lead to job loss for highly educated workers.

1. 学一个短语:mass job loss 大规模失业

Mass的同义词包括 large amount/number of sth, enormous, great, huge, large, vast


大多数: Their policies appeal to the broadmassof the population. 他们的政策受到广大民众的欢迎。

无定形的一团: When I washed the jumper, it just turned into a shapeless mass. 这套头衫我一洗就不成形了。

乱糟糟的一堆: a chaotic mass of ideas 乱糟糟的一堆想法

绞在一起的一团:a tangled mass of hair 一团乱发

2. 学一个背景知识:generative AI

生成式人工智能(Generative AI)是一种AI技术,它使用训练数据和深度学习模型,以及其他技术,来产生新的可视化、声音或其他内容。生成式AI可以用来自动生成新的图像、影像、语音、文本或其他内容,而无需人工干预。它的目的是帮助创建者从原始数据中自动提取模式,从而创造出新的内容。

3. 分析一个长句:No one can answer this question, given how new the technology is and given how slowly employment can adjust in response to technological change.

句子主语:No one;谓语:can answer,宾语:this question;状语1:given how new the technology is;状语2:given how slowly employment can adjust in response to technological change


如:Given the scope of this project, it is inevitable that our team will encounter a few roadblocks. 鉴于这个项目的范围,我们的团队不可避免地会遇到一些障碍。

4. 学习一个单词:automate 使自动化的意思

使用联想记忆法:automate 像 auto (汽车) + mate(伙伴),想象一辆自动驾驶汽车带你出行,是多么方便的旅程啊!



As a rule, when companies can substitute machines for people, they will. AI can do work currently done by paralegals, copywriters, digital-content producers, executive assistants,entry-levelcomputer programmers, and, yes, some journalists. That means such jobs might change, and soon. But even if ChatGPT canspit outa pretty good paragraph on AI, it can’t interview AI and labor experts, nor can it find historical documents, nor can it assess the quality of studies of technological change and employment. It creates content out of what is already out there, with no authority, no understanding, no ability to correct itself, no way to identify genuinely new or interesting ideas. That implies that AI might make original journalism more valuable and investigative journalists more productive, while creating an enormousprofusionof simpler content. AI might spit out listicles and summaries of public meetings, while humans will write in-depth stories. “In many ways, AI will help people use expertise better,” the MIT professor David Autor, one of the world’s foremost experts on employment and technological change, said. “It means that we’ll specialize more.”

1. 学一个短语:entry-level

Meaning:basic and suitable for new users who may later move on to a more advanced product 适合初级用户的;入门级的

比如说:an entry-level computer 供初学者使用的计算机

2. 学一个句子:That means such jobs might change, and soon.

本句当中,and soon表达的意思是:很快,也就意味着变化会来的很快。这种写法的比较具有高级感。按理说直接表达That means such jobs might change soon. 就完全可以啦,但是加上一个逗号,再加一个and soon,让句子更有顿挫感和节奏感。

3. 学一个短语:spit out

Spit out原意是吐出的意思,比如说:Spit out the gum before you talk to me. 这里用ChatGPT spit out就比较形象了,经常用在快速说出,快速表达,比如下面这个句子。

The answers are fed into a series of formulas created by Google's mathematicians that spit out a score from zero to 100. 回答将被输入一系列谷歌数学家编辑的公式中,最后得出0到100的分数。

4. 分析一个长句:It creates content out of what is already out there, with no authority, no understanding, no ability to correct itself, no way to identify genuinely new or interesting ideas.

这是主谓宾补的形式,主语是it,谓语create,宾语content out of what is already out there,补语是with引导的内容。With这个介词还是非常好用的,经常在写作中用到。

如:With the sky brightening, the birds rejoiced in the morning air, singing their songs of joy and celebration, as the sun slowly rose above the horizon, its golden rays casting a warm light over the sleeping city below. 随着天色渐亮,鸟儿在清晨的空气中欢呼雀跃,高唱喜庆的歌曲,太阳慢慢从地平线上升起,它的金色光芒将一片温暖的光线洒在正在沉睡的城市上空。

5. 学习一个单词:profusion

Meaning:a very large quantity of sth 大量;众多,同义词:abundance


e.g. a profusion of colours 色彩斑斓



For workers, Autor noted, the great risk is that AI technologies cause too sudden a change in what kind of labor employers want. Certainspecializations might getwiped out, leaving thousands of call-center operators or marketing workers unemployed. But he stressed the benefits of having such technology in our hands. Productivity haslanguished for decades. Machines doing a little more work would have a big upside, after all.

1. 学一个单词:specialization

Meaning:a particular area of knowledge or the process of becoming an expert in a particular area


The growth ofspecializationin the nineteenth century, with its consequent requirement of a longer, more complex training, implied greater problems for amateur participation in science.


2. 学一个短语:wiped out


To wipe out something such as a place or a group of people or animals means to destroy them completely.


1)The spill couldwipe outthe Gulf's turtle population.


2)The man is a fanatic who is determined towipe outany opposition to the way he conducts himself.


《新闻周刊》一篇题为《student debt is a curse upon America's future. Biden must wipe it out.》的文章也出现了这个表达:

3. 分析一个长句:Certainspecializations might getwiped out, leaving thousands of call-center operators or marketing workers unemployed.



With qualifying exams postponed, travel bans spreading and anger rising among Chinese students and parents at the West’s permissive attitude toward public health, enrollment could plummet in the coming years, experts said, potentially leaving countries with multibillion-dollar holes in their universities’ budgets.


1)本句的主干是 Sales through live-streaming provided hope and a new outlet for companies

2)本句主句为 enrollment could plummet in the coming years

3)With qualifying exams postponed 为原因状语,该原因状语是 with 引导的独立主格结构

4)qualifying exams postponed 和 travel bans spreading and anger rising 并列

5)among Chinese students and parents at the West’s permissive attitude toward public health 为状语

6)experts said 为插入语

7)现在分词 leaving 引导的结果状语,其中 countries 为宾语,with multibillion-dollar holes in their universities’ budgets 为状语



4. 学习一个单词:languish


[verb] suffer from being forced to remain in an unpleasant place or situation

[动词] 遭受被迫留在不愉快的地方或处境的痛苦


After languishing under eBay’s control, in 2015 it broke away and re-listed.



A film project based on Liu’s best-known work, the trilogy that began with “The Three-Body Problem,” was optioned and even filmed in 2015 but has since languished in postproduction, reportedly because of technical challenges and costs.




Languish 源自拉丁语 languere (虚弱、微弱),主要指人或组织“失去活力、变得衰弱”,比如热得懒洋洋的(to languish in the heat)。

但凡某人或某物失去活力,往往就会处于一种被动的状态,任人欺压摆布,结果总是“被迫滞留在某处经受长期的煎熬”,比如在外国统治下饱受煎熬的国家(a country languishing under foreign domination)。

能够被人摆布,说明自身在人家眼里还有稍许利用价值,如果连一丝利用价值都没有,那就直接冷落一旁“被人忽视”,比如一生默默无闻的作曲家(a composer who languished in obscurity all his life)。




ChatGPT is just one of many mind-blowing generative AI tools released recently, including the image generators Midjourney and DALL-E and the video generator Synthesia. The upside of these AI tools is easy to see: They’re going to produce a tremendous amount of digital content, quickly and cheaply. Students are already using ChatGPT to help them write essays. Businesses are using ChatGPT to create copy for their websites and promotional materials, and to respond to customer-service inquiries. Lawyers are using it to produce legal briefs and academics to produce footnotes.


Yet an extraordinary downside is also easy to see: What happens when services like ChatGPT start putting copywriters, journalists, customer-service agents, paralegals, coders, and digital marketers out of a job? For years, tech thinkers have been warning that flexible, creative AI will be a threat to white-collar employment, as robots replace skilled office workers whose jobs were once considered immune to automation. In the most extreme iteration, analysts imagine AI altering the employment landscape permanently. One Oxford study estimates that 47 percent of U.S. jobs might be at risk.


No single technology in modern memory has caused mass job loss among highly educated workers. Will generative AI really be an exception? No one can answer this question, given how new the technology is and given how slowly employment can adjust in response to technological change. But AI really is different. A range of tasks that up until now were impossible to automate are becoming automatable. ChatGPT and the like promises to destabilize a lot of white-collar work, regardless of whether they eliminate jobs or not.


As a rule, when companies can substitute machines for people, they will. AI can do work currently done by paralegals, copywriters, digital-content producers, executive assistants, entry-level computer programmers, and, yes, some journalists. That means such jobs might change, and soon. But even if ChatGPT can spit out a pretty good paragraph on AI, it can’t interview AI and labor experts, nor can it find historical documents, nor can it assess the quality of studies of technological change and employment. It creates content out of what is already out there, with no authority, no understanding, no ability to correct itself, no way to identify genuinely new or interesting ideas. That implies that AI might make original journalism more valuable and investigative journalists more productive, while creating an enormous profusion of simpler content. AI might spit out listicles and summaries of public meetings, while humans will write in-depth stories. “In many ways, AI will help people use expertise better,” the MIT professor David Autor, one of the world’s foremost experts on employment and technological change, said. “It means that we’ll specialize more.”


For workers, Autor noted, the great risk is that AI technologies cause too sudden a change in what kind of labor employers want. Certain specializations might get wiped out, leaving thousands of call-center operators or marketing workers unemployed. But he stressed the benefits of having such technology in our hands. Productivity has languished for decades. Machines doing a little more work would have a big upside, after all.




方法提示: 思维导图有利于大家掌握文章框架和逻辑,帮助大家理清思路。画思维导图的过程中,可以多次通读,并且尝试找到关键词,慢慢梳理框架。



Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

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